Abracadabra Face & Body Painting by Knapp
Jacqueline Knapp, Owner
San Carlos, CA - Serving the Entire SF Bay Area
PH: (650) 591-0999
Delivering Custom Images from the Delicate and Whimsical to the Wild and Scary
as an Artist
My vision is to never stop learning, improving and striving to be the best in all aspects of my chosen field of art.
After a few years in business, some face painters become complacent and their artwork becomes stagnant. Since Face Painting has become an International phenomena, I stay up-to-date doing daily online research as to the newest and best styles, techniques, tools and products recommended by the top face painters and Face Painting Instructors in the world. This art is constantly increasing in popularity and therefore, changing with the discovery of newer and better products and techniques. I also stay up to date on the latest popular characters in movies and television. I take pride in every image that I paint and try to make each slightly unique for that individual.
I am working toward having 300 images that I can paint well available for me to use on any of my boards for any season, theme or occasion. I currently have about 200 of them to choose from when I set up a display board. I use 40 or 50 choices for smaller events, but some venues require 100 or more image choices. For that reason, I have made up individual 4X6 image index cards which are on hand to be placed on my larger image display board for an event. Once I have chosen the most appropriate images for a specific event, I only have to slide those cards into my display board. As you can see, I put a lot of thought into planning so that the face painting at each event where I paint will be considered awesome by all. Parents hate to wait in long lines. I always consider the number of attendees to be painted during the time interval I am given when selecting images to offer on my board for a specific event. That is just one of the many steps to becoming a sought-after artist in this field.